10 best food for parrots

10 best food for parrots>



Feature in the ranking

Top 10 best food for parrots

1Versele-Laga Prestige BudgiesBest quality feed
2Mealberry Group Rio for budgiesA balanced diet, lots of protein
3Fiory PappagalliThe best part for parrots of medium and large size
4Padovan Grandmix CocoriteFavorite parrots, popular with breeders
5  Fiory AfricanBest to maintain health
6Versele-Laga African Parrot LoroParque MixA variety of ingredients, vitamin supplements
7Vitakraft LifeStrengthens the immune system
8Versele-Laga Prestige PREMIUM ParrotsFit finicky birds
9BENELUX Mixture for parakeets PrimusMulticomponent premium food
10LOLO for budgiesClean feed with no frills

We understand the variety of feed and gathered the top ten. The choice was based on reviews from professionals and Amateurs. Added feed for small, medium and large parrots. The most popular brand — Versele-Laga, Mealberry Group, Vitakraft — have a tested, balanced composition and good reputation manufacturers. But we have added a few lesser-known options that already have a taste for Pets.



Clean feed with no frills
Country: Poland
Average price: 125 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.2

Opens a rating of the best LOLO for budgies, which is balanced daily. The composition is enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K and C, which have a complex effect on the body. Organic acids and fats give luster to the plumage. The food in the pack are clean, free of sticks and dust. It is based on grain and cereals (82%), the rest are fruits and oil seeds. Breeders say that the feed ingredients can be used as a useful toy.

In reviews write about a large number of seeds, so portion of you have to be careful. More experienced owners say that the composition contains sorghum (little black balls). Though it is considered a delicacy, but in large quantities is not useful, it is rarely added to the daily feed. It's pretty solid, not every wavy parrot can crack. But the main reason why the product did not get above are the dyes in the composition. Many breeders believe that they are addictive.


Multicomponent premium food
Country: Belgium
Average price: 247 RUB
Rating (2021): 4.3

Customers in the reviews say pleasant smell, reminiscent of sunflower oil. Many are pleased with the variety of millet, there are yellow, white and red. Hemp seed is known to be high in fat, needed for skin and feathers. Food in packaging net, without sticks and dust. But breeders are confused by the discrepancy between the composition indicated on the package. For example, there is corn, which the manufacturer says. Some seeds are too big.


Fit finicky birds
Country: Belgium
Average price: 446 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.3

Versele-Laga Parrots Prestige PREMIUM is designed specifically for large fussy birds who know how to act up, to show discontent and preferences. They, like other birds need a complete diet, but a simple capsule with vitamins not eaten. The composition of this feed there are several types of grains and seeds, various nuts, fruits, vegetables. Together they give the pet vitamins and minerals for an active and healthy life. Manufacturer added crayons and Pantsir cuttlefish needed to beak and claws. The only thing don't like cranky parrots — corn, but very little. On large packs have a convenient vacuum closure, inside did not get.

The reviews say that the food smells good and looks very good. All the seeds are clean, polished. Pleased with the presence of natural vitamins, feed them the parrot is much easier than granular additives. However, the manufacturer generously puts sunflower seeds, and they are very high in calories. Some owners have them partially removed. But animals behave cheerful and fun, the appearance is improved. It is recommended to give the bird fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and apples.


Strengthens the immune system
Country: Germany
Average price: 255 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.4

Customers in the reviews say the correct ratio of minerals and vitamins, and is also necessary for the birds grains. Food is always on sale in conventional stores. But breeders warn about counterfeiting. This product differs from the copy label. On the right is a sticker in Russian, everything else is in English and German. As the product is made abroad, it is necessary to monitor the expiration date and package integrity. The composition is iodine, not all breeders approve this ingredient. Some do not like egg and sugar.


A variety of ingredients, vitamin supplements
Country: Belgium
Average price: 537 RUB
Rating (2021): 4.5

Versele-Laga African Parrot Mix LoroParque is the most diverse food rankings for large parrots, particularly African species. The composition will satisfy the tastes of even the pickiest pet: here, corn, sunflower seeds and pumpkin, wheat, Canary, oats, buckwheat. Found a peanut, in shell and peeled. As useful Goodies added rosehips, pop corn, hot pepper. Vitamin granules YOU saturate the body with minerals and amino acids. The package has a convenient lock, the fodder can be stored for a long time, the inside does not get wet and debris.

Buyers reviews say that parrots eat with pleasure. It is considered premium and expensive, but large packages are often at a discount. Breeders say that the high cost is due to a variety of natural ingredients. However, not all support the idea of adding vitamin granules. Many birds leave them in the trough, don't trust strange circles. They smell like cat food that causes rejection. But many praise the peanuts and pumpkin seeds, empty shells in a pack no. Best food suitable for grey Jaco (drawn on the pack), they eat everything.


Best to maintain health
Country: Italy
Average price: 312 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.6

Buyers warn that the composition is a solid cookie, not all parrots are able to master. It is recommended to break it in half or a little to take in water. Breeders say that the birds need time to get used to the stern, gradually they will taste all the ingredients. Vacuum package prevents bugs. However, confused unkempt appearance, the food is slightly dirty. More expensive competitors Shine, look glossy. Many nutritious seeds, some parrots get fat. Sometimes there are sticks that need to be removed.


Favorite parrots, popular with breeders
Country: Italy
Average price: 188 RUB
Rating (2021): 4.7

Food Padovan Grandmix for Cocorite budgies have earned the recognition of customers. It is 70% in yellow and red millet, in the remaining 30% included hulled oats, Canary grain, pears, apples and biscuits. Last finding manufacturer, they have added vitamins, minerals and yeast. A little frustrating lack of closure on the package, buyers are advised to pour food into jars. Welcome clean grain and pleasant smell, debris and insects there. Many people like shells in the composition, which strengthen bones. But dried fruit is not suitable for all Pets, some prefer fresh.

The reviews noted an improvement in the health of a bird a few weeks after the use of the feed. The birds become livelier, more fun. Most parrots like the taste, they don't pick. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, Niacin and Pantothenic acid support the health of the pet. Balanced food for daily consumption. But experienced breeders mind cookies. It is painted with dyes and can be addictive. In some birds there is a disorder of the stomach.


The best part for parrots of medium and large size
Country: Italy
Average price: 312 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

Customers in the reviews say fruity cereal smell of food, Pets love it, too. Many talk about improving the appearance of a parrot. If you feed it for a long time, the molt will be less unpleasant. Happy omega-3 composition, which strengthens cell membranes. Added organic selenium, which is involved in the protection of fibrils birds. A little deterred by the high price, food disappears quickly. In the normal shops are hard to find, and when you order online some arrive damaged packaging.


A balanced diet, lots of protein
Country: Russia
Average price: 81 RUB
Rating (2021): 4.8

On the second place among the best settled Mealberry Group Rio for budgies, that contains essential minerals and vitamins. Some Abyssinian Nug, which saturates birds, birds like the taste. Several types of millet are aimed at maintaining the hearing improvement of the digestive system. The algae contain vitamins and minerals, especially iodine, which in a small number of required wavy parrots. Calcium gluconate supports healthy during molting, it is beneficial for Pets, not gnawing mineral stone. Foreign counterparts with a similar composition are much more expensive.

Buyers note that in the rear there are black millet, which is not often add producers. But it is rich in carotene, helps with diseases of the thyroid gland. Probiotic ensures easy assimilation of product, removes harmful microbes. The only thing noted in reviews is suspected addiction to feed. Some people say that parrots refuse to eat anything else after Rio. Although the evidence given for not find. But it is clear that food rich in proteins and fats, making Pets more active and more cheerful.


Best quality feed
Country: Belgium
Average price: 215 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.9

Reviews note comfortable dense pack, which is not toiling and not jammed. The product should not pour into airtight jars, packaging is covered by zip-Lok fastener. A did a basic test: the seeds are germinated in the ground, so they are high quality. The only thing note — safflower in the composition (white seeds) which birds do not like. On the pack the ingredients described concisely, the relation of different cultures is not specified. These data are available on the official website.


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